Discovering Hurghada: An Ultimate Guide to Hurghada Ausflüge

Hurghada, a vibrant city located on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, has become a premier destination for travelers seeking a mix of relaxation, adventure, and cultural experiences. Originally a small fishing village, Hurghada has transformed into a bustling hub renowned for its crystal-clear waters, stunning coral reefs, and a plethora of activities that cater to all types of visitors. This guide explores the various excursions Hurghada Ausflüge, providing insights into the most popular tours and experiences that make this city a must-visit destination.

1. Red Sea Diving and Snorkeling Adventures

a. Diving in Hurghada

The Red Sea is famous for its rich marine life and stunning coral reefs, making it a paradise for divers. Hurghada offers numerous diving excursions for both beginners and experienced divers. Dive centers in Hurghada provide comprehensive packages that include training, equipment rental, and guided dives to some of the best spots in the Red Sea.

Popular Diving Sites:

  • Giftun Island: Known for its vibrant coral gardens and diverse marine life, Giftun Island is a top destination for divers.
  • The Brothers: These two islands are renowned for their deep walls, large pelagic fish, and occasional shark sightings.
  • Abu Nuhas: A wreck diver’s dream, this site features several sunken ships teeming with marine life.

b. Snorkeling Tours

For those who prefer to stay closer to the surface, snorkeling is an excellent alternative. Hurghada’s shallow reefs are perfect for snorkeling, offering a glimpse into the underwater world without the need for diving equipment.

Top Snorkeling Spots:

  • Mahmya Island: A protected marine park with pristine beaches and clear waters, ideal for snorkeling.
  • Shaab El Erg: Also known as Dolphin House, this site is famous for its resident dolphins that often interact with snorkelers.
  • Sharm El Naga: A beautiful bay with a rich coral reef right off the shore.

2. Desert Safari Adventures

The desert surrounding Hurghada offers a stark contrast to the aquatic adventures of the Red Sea. Desert safaris provide a thrilling way to explore this unique landscape.

a. Quad Biking

One of the most popular desert activities, quad biking, allows visitors to navigate the sandy dunes at high speed. Tours usually include a safety briefing and guidance from experienced instructors.

b. Camel Trekking

For a more traditional desert experience, camel trekking offers a serene and authentic way to explore the desert. These excursions often include visits to Bedouin villages where visitors can learn about the traditional lifestyle and enjoy local hospitality.

c. Jeep Safaris

Jeep safaris provide a comfortable yet exciting way to venture deep into the desert. These guided tours often include stops at significant landmarks and panoramic viewpoints.

3. Historical and Cultural Excursions

Hurghada’s strategic location makes it a perfect base for exploring Egypt’s rich cultural heritage.

a. Luxor Day Trip

Luxor, often referred to as the world’s greatest open-air museum, is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. A day trip to Luxor from Hurghada typically includes visits to:

  • The Valley of the Kings: Home to the tombs of pharaohs, including the famous tomb of Tutankhamun.
  • Karnak Temple: A massive temple complex dedicated to the god Amun, known for its impressive columns and hieroglyphs.
  • Luxor Temple: An ancient temple that has been a place of worship for millennia.

b. Cairo and the Pyramids

A visit to Cairo offers a chance to see some of the world’s most iconic landmarks. Excursions to Cairo from Hurghada usually feature:

  • The Pyramids of Giza: The last remaining wonder of the ancient world.
  • The Sphinx: The enigmatic statue that has stood guard over the pyramids for millennia.
  • The Egyptian Museum: Home to an extensive collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun.

4. Island Hopping and Boat Tours

The Red Sea’s many islands offer idyllic settings for day trips and boat tours.

a. Giftun Island

A trip to Giftun Island is one of the most popular Hurghada Ausflüge. Visitors can relax on sandy beaches, snorkel in clear waters, and enjoy a barbecue lunch on the island.

b. Orange Bay

Orange Bay is often likened to the Caribbean with its turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. This island offers a perfect spot for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing.

c. Paradise Island

Another gem in the Red Sea, Paradise Island lives up to its name with its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters. Day trips here often include snorkeling, beach games, and a delicious seafood lunch.

5. Adventure and Water Sports

Hurghada is a hub for water sports, catering to thrill-seekers and adventure enthusiasts.

a. Kite Surfing and Wind Surfing

The consistent winds and shallow waters make Hurghada a top destination for kite surfing and wind surfing. Numerous schools and centers offer lessons and equipment rental.

b. Parasailing

For a bird’s-eye view of Hurghada and the Red Sea, parasailing is an exhilarating option. Tandem flights allow visitors to soar above the water, taking in the stunning scenery from above.

c. Submarine and Glass-Bottom Boat Tours

For those who prefer to stay dry while exploring the underwater world, submarine and glass-bottom boat tours offer a unique perspective on the marine life and coral reefs of the Red Sea.

6. Wellness and Relaxation

Hurghada is not just about adventure; it’s also a perfect place for relaxation and rejuvenation.

a. Spas and Wellness Centers

Many resorts in Hurghada offer world-class spa facilities, providing a range of treatments from traditional massages to modern wellness therapies.

b. Yoga and Meditation

With its tranquil beaches and serene environment, Hurghada is an ideal place for yoga and meditation retreats. Several resorts and specialized centers offer classes and programs designed to promote relaxation and well-being.

7. Family-Friendly Excursions

Hurghada offers a range of activities that are perfect for families traveling with children.

a. Aqua Parks

Water parks like Makadi Water World and Jungle Aqua Park provide a fun-filled day for the entire family, with numerous slides, pools, and attractions.

b. Hurghada Grand Aquarium

A visit to the Hurghada Grand Aquarium offers an educational and entertaining experience for children and adults alike. The aquarium features a wide variety of marine species and interactive exhibits.

c. Dolphinariums

Dolphin shows and interactive sessions with these intelligent creatures are popular family-friendly activities. These excursions provide both entertainment and an opportunity to learn about marine life conservation.

Practical Tips for Enjoying Hurghada Ausflüge

  1. Choose Reputable Operators: Ensure that you book excursions with reputable tour operators who prioritize safety and quality service.
  2. Stay Hydrated: The desert climate can be harsh, so it’s essential to drink plenty of water, especially during outdoor activities.
  3. Dress Appropriately: Light, breathable clothing is best for daytime activities, while warmer layers may be needed for evening excursions in the desert.
  4. Respect Local Customs: When visiting cultural and historical sites, dress modestly and be respectful of local customs and traditions.
  5. Plan Ahead: Popular excursions can fill up quickly, so it’s advisable to book in advance to secure your spot.


Hurghada is a treasure trove of exciting excursions and activities that cater to all types of travelers. Whether you’re an adventurer looking to explore the desert, a history buff eager to visit ancient sites, or a family seeking fun and relaxation, Hurghada has something for everyone. By taking advantage of the diverse range of excursions available, visitors can experience the best of what this vibrant city and its stunning surroundings have to offer.

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